I believe, as I hope you do, that the ministries of our church are a blessing to our church body and families in the community. God continues to bless us as we grow. Yet with this growth comes a challenge. Since our current monthly income is used for our operating budget, we must now focus on a solution that will enable us to follow where God is leading.
Momentum is the name chosen for our upcoming stewardship campaign. We believe by God’s guidance the campaign will fulfill our financial needs so we can capitalize on the spiritual momentum we are experiencing as a church and position the church for ministry over the next 50 years. Every household will be asked to prayerfully consider making a sacrificial commitment—over and above your ongoing tithes and offerings—to be given over the next three years. Through Momentum campaign we plan to raise the necessary funds to move forward in ministry. Your involvement is vital!
These are exciting days for St. Matthew Church. Let’s commit to seeking and walking in God’s will for the future. I look forward to seeing you soon!
In His Name,
Pastor Bob
Campaign Purpose
The primary purpose of our Momentum campaign is to focus on people. That’s what St. Matthew Church is all about. All that we are doing — in one way or another — is designed to help people to “Know Jesus, Grow in His Grace and Go in His Name to love and serve others.”
- Renovating our Children’s area to be attractive and visible upon coming through the Main Entrance.
- Providing an up-to-date facility that is inviting, safe and secure with a new centralized nursery area.
- Updating the Main Entrance to be a welcoming area for people to gather and connect.
- Enhancing updated spaces for adult education for Sunday mornings as well as small group spaces through the week.
- Installing an elevator that will provide access to the rooms under the Sanctuary.
“But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.”
2 Chronicles 15:7
What is the purpose of the campaign?
Our facilities here at St. Matthew Church are no longer able to meet the needs of a growing church as they once did. Over the last 35 years, we have not updated our facility. In order to set this church up for the next 50 years, we must update the church to meet the demands of 21st century ministry. Having a vibrant, visible Children’s Ministry area is crucial for families seeking churches today. Updating our foyer will help us provide a welcoming environment for people coming to church. Providing an elevator to access the Sunday school classrooms and choir room under the sanctuary is long overdue.
How will updating our building help us reach our community for Christ?
Our renovated facilities will provide not only a more welcoming space for those coming to church, but also a safe and visible place for children’s ministry. We will also be able to have more adult classrooms for growing and fellowship. In fact, all our ministries will benefit and have room to grow!
Why now?
Over the past 35 years, many people have renovated their homes; some, more than once. We do this in our homes to adapt our home to present day living. As a church, we have not done anything like this in the last 35 years. Renovating to meet the needs of today, to provide ministry for today, is crucial for us.
How will we pay for this?
We believe wholeheartedly that God has started a spiritual momentum at St. Matthew and as stewards of His church, we must capitalize on that by seizing the day to focus on God’s house. We have faith St. Matthew family will rise to the challenge He has set for us. With God’s help and our sacrificial giving, over and above our regular giving, we will reach our goals and build a facility that will help us lead the way for generations to come.
How can I help?
- First and foremost, please pray regularly for God to move mightily through our Momentum campaign.
- Participate in the events and meetings. Make a commitment to learn as much as you can about the campaign and the vision it will help us realize.
- Give sacrificially. The vision God has granted us can only be achieved through faith and sacrifice. We have the privilege to be a part of growing His Kingdom in these last days!
Pray the Lord would speak to you as you consider your part in the Momentum campaign.
Join us in this Kingdom work! The Bible tells us that generosity is not about equal gifts, but equal sacrifice; giving faithfully what het Lord puts no your heart. Ask God to show you what He would have you contribute to expanding His Kingdom through the Momentum campaign.